“BECOMING HANNAH” debacle is getting boring. Why? Because Dr. Kamarul Zaman Yusoff, a proud Universiti Utara Malaysia lecturer is on a winning spree against Hannah Yeoh and DAP.
This is why DAP can be observed struggling to put up even a fair fight against Dr. Kamarul.
Considering that the DAP proxy media The Malaysian Insight has now resorted to blatant lies, Dr. Kamarul being labelled as one of UMNO/BN propagandists of which he is not one, DAP deviating from the crux of the issue on which this fiasco started (proselytisation and mixing religion with politics by DAP), the manipulation of facts and perception in their media reporting AND orchestrating aggressive personal attacks are enough proofs that DAP is now forced to trigger the final line of defence and gone amok.
But do you know what is more intriguing?
All these while DAP has ferociously accused UMNO and PAS of playing the religious card. As both Malay Muslim parties seek to protect the sanctity of Islam and improve the syariah courts and its laws, DAP simply accuses them as manipulating religious issue for the sake of their political survival.
Be that as it may, DAP is worst. Not just they are playing the religious card, they are also flashing the secular card. Even worst than the worst, they play both religious and secular cards at the same time!
Therefore, what would be intriguing is to ask Hannah Yeoh, the focal figure of this mess with which DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang has to incessantly ‘mencemar duli’ to interfere, whether she identifies herself as a Malaysian first or a Christian first.
I am glad that we have S. Thayaparan, a true secularist so we could evaluate should DAP is going off its secular track. The saddest thing is, it is true.
Previously I have written on S. Thayaparan’s advice towards DAP that in order to debunk those lies – coming from UMNO/BN propagandists so-called – saying that DAP is conspiring to Christianise Malaysia, DAP itself must strictly oversee its political operation and separate from Christianity.
See here: http://www.tanjak.my/weaponizing-evangelical-christianity/
At least, that is what they need to do in order to gain the public’s trust, especially the secularists. Regardless, Dapsters denounced S. Thayaparan’s piece and DAP politicians do not even take heed of the priceless advice. Poor S. Thayaparan.
In his recent piece, S. Thayaparan quoted a statement by Lim Kit Siang:
“(We can be succeed if) Malaysians adhere to the Constitution and Rukunegara principles to be good Malaysians by being good Muslims, good Buddhists, good Christians, good Hindus, good Sikhs and good Taoists. Hannah’s journey as a good Christian cannot threaten, but only fulfil, her journey as a good Malaysian, just as how adherents of other religions aspire to be good Malaysians.”
S. Thayaparan then wondered:
“Concerning Yeoh’s journey as a “good Malaysian”, I am curious. Does Yeoh consider herself a Malaysian first or Christian first?”
Explaining his concern, S. Thayaparan wrote:
“You see, this is the type of questions that arise, when people pontificate about their faith and make a fresh batch of Bangsa Malaysia kool aid whenever the need arises.”
Raising his secular viewpoints, S. Thayaparan noted:
“We do not need more faith in this country. What we need is people who want to create an egalitarian system that people have faith in.”
S. Thayaparan reiterated his position on secularism which he raised in his previous piece but condemned by the Dapsters:
“We can only succeed as a multi-cultural/religious society if we have politicians who check their religion at the door and commit themselves to secular principles and policies all the while keeping their faith private.”
Having asked “Who defines what a “good” Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, or Taoists”, S. Thayaparan concluded that:
“The state and its actors should not be in the business of defining religion, what they should be doing is ensuring that religion does not define the business of the state.”
So, does Hannah Yeoh identify herself as a Christian first or Malaysian first? To answer this question, we may want to consider her statement in an interview with her as reported on Roketkini dated 3 November 2010 titled “Leading by Example – Hannah Yeoh” in which she declared that:
“As a Christian and as a Malaysian, I ask myself what I can do to take care of the needs of Muslim voters.”
While Lim Kit Siang may need to fill up his brief packs on what constitute good Malaysians who are good Muslims, Christians etc, we already know that DAP is not truly secular and simply hypocritical.
Danial Ariff Shaari
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