Gema Semua Maklumat

Really Lim Kit Siang?

Really Lim Kit Siang?

IS the DAP’s head so desperate that he has to drag UUM into his political party’s own misdoing?

What about the lecturers and academicians in the private and government universities who support DAP and the Opposition?
Aren’t they harming the reputation of their respective universities too?

So it’s okay and very commendable for them to support DAP’s agenda and political struggle but that freedom is off limits to those having opposing views, more so if it exposes the secrets and the skeleton in DAP’s closet? How bewildering can this mindset be?

Are you trying to drag the local universities into DAP’s self-inflicted problems that you yourself can’t handle?

Or “suggesting” that UUM takes action against its own academic staff for standing his ground on what he believes to be the truth? Or silence and stifle his academic research?

Things has gone from bad to worse ehh in your camp? What happened to all your think tanks, Penang Institute, research centres, experts, strategists and “academicians” who should be putting extra hours to rebut Dr Kamarul’s “accusations” on DAP’s evangelical agenda?

Or have they not been doing their jobs effectively that you yourself have to “turun padang” to face the adversary?
Apa sudah jadi kepada DAP sekarang?

Blaming UMNO (who else?) is no longer a strong selling point. And NO, I am not a member of UMNO, much less its “propagandist” or “cybertrooper”.

Frankly I think your outburst is the most explicit testimony that DAP is getting the jitters, that the self-manufactured but fallacious imposing aura of invincibility is cracking everywhere.

The thousands of frenzied cybertroopers and legion of writers, editorials, columnists and social media Netizens, and even your supporters from the Islamic groups and activists are powerless and are at loss as to how to subdue this single much maligned lecturer from UUM campus in Sintok, Kedah.
And you still don’t get it, do you?

The Malaysian public and Muslim community are not as naive as you perceived them to be. The Malays and Muslims might be quiet in their evaluation of the uproar over Hannah Yeoh’s book.

But surprise! They are very vocal when the situation demands them to be so and it was amazingly reflected in their action towards The Star’s brazenly insulting front page photo and the insensitive reckless news caption.

If you think that Dr Kamarul has tainted the good name of the local universities, you are absolutely off the grid. On the other hand, Dr Kamarul might be doing the academic world in Malaysia a favour, and that is leading the path where academicians will no longer tolerate the climate of forced indoctrination of malignant ideologies into the healthy minds of the populace.

Any attempts to undermine the position of Islam from any angle will be challenged by Muslims from every quarters. And mind you, he is not alone too.

Mohd Luttfi Abdul Khalid

The post Really Lim Kit Siang? appeared first on Portal Islam dan Melayu.

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