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Who are the real thinking Muslims?

Who are the real thinking Muslims?

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The Malay proverb is appropriate to describe Farouk Musa of IRF as he tries to compare himself, IRF and the likes of his speaker eg Dr Mun’im Sirry, to that of the struggle of Rasulullah SAW in delivering the message of Allah SWT when JAKIM warns them of deviant teachings being promoted in a seminar. I could not think of a more contradictory statement.

Why, it was his organization which had co-hosted the very talk on “the belief in the Prophethood of Rasulullah SAW is not essential as part of our faith( a sine qua non for salvation)”, a point disclosed by Dr MAZA who happened to be the keynote speaker in the same forum, and easily confirmed through an article written by the same speaker : The Muslim Luther and Reformation.

Farouk Musa claimed the counter argument by JAKIM put him in the same position as Rasulullah SAW as our Prophet was labeled heresy by the disbelievers. Seriously there was hardly any similarities at all.

Of course, Sirry Mun’im in the above article I mentioned, quoted Syeikh Muhammad Rashid Ridha and Syeikh Muhammad Abduh to reach to his conclusion, but given the same way of how IRF used to selectively quoted Muhammad Asad, far from its full context, to strengthen their point on ‘thinking Muslims’, I too, believe that this selection of opinion may not reflect what has actually been transpired by the 2 reformists who had in their life, inspired many Muslims and reformists like As Syahid Imam Hassan Al Banna and As Syahid Syed Qutb.

Muhammad Rashid Ridha pleaded for ijtihad and reasoning as well adoption of Western norms that valued work ethic, but he was also a strong proponent of the Caliphate system, and through his magazine al-Manar, sought to champion political Islam against European colonialism and promoted Shariah law as an integrated, coherent social and political program for Muslims.

And so was Muhammad Asad. You would find that he was the subject of many articles and forums of IRF, to emphasize their points on what and who are the thinking Muslims, but they stop short at discussing Muhammad Asad’s view on Islam as state, where he had stated in his book “The Principles of State and Government in Islam” that the goal of Islam must be the Islamic state and that Islam does imply the establishment of God’s will on Earth. Muhammad Asad’s philosophies on this were: complete submission to God’s sovereignty, obeying the code of life as laid down by Quran and Hadis, social life to be governed by the Islamic pattern, the state to have ultimate authority and a rejection of all forms of secularisation.

In another of his book, Islam at The Crossroads he pleaded for Muslims to avoid a blind imitation of Western social forms and values, and to try to preserve instead their Islamic heritage which once upon a time had been responsible for the glorious, many-sided historical phenomenon comprised in the term ‘Muslim civilization’.

This, of course contradicts with IRF’s pro-secular Malaysia position and rejection of syariah law, both in spirit and in technicalities.

So, who are the REAL لِقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ?

Aren’t they, those who THINK within the FRAMEWORK of Islam to solve issues plaguing the Muslims, that must resemble the work of the Prophet Muhammad and His companions in lifting up the position of Islam, and Quran as the words of Allah, rather than those who tore apart the tenets of religion with copycat method such as hermeneutic in the Bible study?

Prof Madya Dr Rafidah Hanim Mokhtar
International Women’s Alliance for Family Institution and Quality Education (WAFIQ)

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